Kunstbibliothek – a knowledge repository

in Residenzschloss

lesende Frau sitzt zwischen zwei deckenhohen Bücherregalen
© SKD, Foto: Amac Garbe


The Kunstbibliothek is the central academic library of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dres-den (SKD). Its central location is in the Dresden Residenzschloss (Royal Palace) and its rooms are also used for the SKD’s archive, which is affiliated with the Kunstbibliothek. Also integrated in the Kunstbibliothek is the Ethnographic Library with its locations at the ethnographical museums in Leipzig, Dresden-Klotzsche and Herrnhut. Furthermore, the Kunstbibliothek is in charge of the reference libraries of all the museums as well as of the public numismatic library at the Münzkabinett (Coin Cabinet) and the book holdings in the study hall of the Kupferstich-Kabinett (Cabinet of Prints, Drawings and Photographs).

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